Ways to Save Energy and Money

How much energy does your home use? What if I told you that there was a way to save energy and money without giving up comfort or convenience? If you answered yes to these questions, then you should read on. You might be surprised at some of the great ways to improve your household’s energy efficiency and cut down on operating costs.

Your home is responsible for heating, cooling, lighting, and powering appliances that range from simple devices to complicated equipment. When it comes to energy consumption, the average American family spends $2,400 per year on electricity alone. That adds up to approximately $2,400 every year that you spend on utilities.

By focusing on four key areas, you can start saving more money now and reduce spending in the future. These include:

Use Energy Star Products

You can check out all the Energy Star certified products by visiting https://www.energystar.gov/products

Apply for Rebates

Some retailers may offer Rebates on specific purchases. Here are some ideas for rebates.

  • Check with your power company and see if they offer rebates to upgrade your gas appliances for electric appliances.
  • Upgrade your Hot Water Heater.
  • Upgrade your insulation.

Switch to LED Lightbulbs

LED light bulbs are becoming more popular because they last longer, consume less energy and emit less heat than incandescent bulbs.

Incandescent light bulbs are being phased out due to their high energy consumption and short lifespan. The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that Americans will save $1.5 trillion over 20 years if they switch from incandescents to LEDs.

There are several types of LED lights, each with its advantages and disadvantages.

I like to use the EcoSmart brand LED Lightbulbs, and you can get them at Home Depot.

EcoSmart 60-Watt Equivalent LED Lightbulb

  • A19 LED Lightbulb
  • 800 Lumens
  • 11,000 Hours Lifetime
  • 9-Watts Energy Used

Install Smart Thermostats

Set the Thermostat to 78 Degrees

Upgrade Showerheads

Yes, changing out your Showerheads can save you energy and money. By using Watersense certified showerheads you save on water, by saving water you save on heating that water.

Next time your shopping for a new showerhead look for the watersense logo.


Click here to find Watersense rebates for your area.

Click here to find other Watersense Labeled products.

Upgrade Faucets

Insulate Air Ducts

Add Insulation